
Biden’s Bold UN Veto: AOC Outraged as US Backs Israel over Hamas!

A UN ceasefire resolution was vetoed by the United States, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticizes the Biden administration for supporting indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.

The United States courageously opposed a United Nations resolution last week that demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities between the Israel-Hamas terrorist organization and our devoted ally. The United States obstinately denied the resolution, which was introduced by the United Arab Emirates. This action has infuriated Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) and prompted her to express strong disapproval of the administration led by President Joe Biden.

Ocasio-Cortez expressed her discontent on the social media platform formerly referred to as Twitter, labeling the support of the administration for Israel's self-defense endeavors as "horrendous." She vehemently denounced the purported regard for Palestinians and human rights, insisting that support for the indiscriminate bombardment of Gaza contradicts the proclaimed values of the administration.

The United States was left in a solitary position in the U.N. Security Council, casting the only vote against the resolution. In contrast, thirteen council members supported the resolution, with the exception of the United Kingdom, which abstained. After the vote, U.S. Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood expressed concern that the resolution was unrealistic due to inadequate consultation and a hurried formulation process. He lamented that almost all of the United States' recommendations were disregarded, producing a resolution that was not grounded in reality.

Although both the White House and Vice President Biden have voiced their endorsement for humanitarian pauses in the conflict, they have abstained from endorsing a ceasefire and have instead maintained their solidarity with Israel despite Hamas's unprovoked attacks. It is unmistakable that the Biden administration maintains its stern admonition against Israel to neglect any precautions that could result in harm to civilians in Gaza.

61 members of Congress, including Ocasio-Cortez and other squad members, are highlighted on the armistice tracker of the Working Families Party as having called for an end to hostilities in the region. Nevertheless, it is critical to bear in mind that the conduct of these individuals might not inherently serve the United States and its allies' best interests.

Written by Staff Reports

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