
Biden’s Border Betrayal: Admin’s Scheme to Swamp U.S. Exposed!

The Biden administration’s diabolical plan to undermine America is unraveling, and it’s all thanks to their own incompetence. Officials in Biden’s progressive administration have been caught red-handed in a covert Zoom call where they assured Hispanic lawmakers that they’re pushing back against Republican plans to limit the administration’s ability to release migrants into the U.S. through the legal loophole of parole. This is just another scheme to create a flood of immigrants that will support the progressive agenda and destroy the country’s identity.

The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and White House chief of staff Jeff Zients reportedly doubled down on protecting the use of parole during the call, essentially admitting that the Biden administration has been using this tactic to manipulate immigration and shift the country’s demographics in their favor. .

And if that isn’t enough, the Biden administration is not only dragging their feet on addressing the border crisis, but they’re also coupling aid to Ukraine with major changes to border policy. While Republicans are pushing for tougher border policies, the Biden administration is more concerned with playing politics and pleasing their progressive base. 

Not to mention, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus is up in arms because they feel like they’ve been left out of border policy negotiations.But the truth is, the Biden administration is intentional in their ignorance. They want to keep their radical policies off the negotiation table and push their globalist agenda forward.

But the real kicker here is the alarming number of illegal immigrants flooding the U.S.-Mexico border. The Biden administration’s use of parole has created a legal pathway for select nationalities to enter the U.S. and has caused a record-breaking number of encounters at the border. 

This isn’t just about immigration, it’s about the very fabric of America. The Biden administration’s plan to undermine the country’s identity and values by manipulating immigration and pushing a globalist agenda is nothing short of diabolical. These are dark times for America, but with the truth on our side, we will not be silenced. It’s time to expose the Biden administration’s dangerous game and stand up for the values that make America great.

Written by Staff Reports

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