
Biden’s Border Blunder: Cartel Weapons Found in Texas!

The policies of President Biden have been severely affecting the US. This week, the Border Patrol seized weapons that were allegedly taken by Mexican cartels into Texas. This is the second instance of armed criminal groups entering South Texas this month.

Gloria Chavez, the chief border patrol agent, confirmed the incident and expressed her concern. She noted that weapons from Mexico were being brought into the country by criminal organizations. It is a horrifying reality that agents encounter on a daily basis, but President Biden seems unconcerned.

The pictures of the confiscated firearms, such as an AR-15 rifle, an ammunition container, and a Kalashnikov rifle, are truly unsettling. These aren't the kinds of things that should be falling into the wrong people's hands, but Biden's border policies are allowing them to do so.

The lack of arrests in connection with the weapons seized by the Border Patrol is alarming. It shows that the criminal organizations don’t care about holding accountable those involved in their activities. It also shows that the policies of the Biden administration are not focused on securing the border.

In another instance, an armed man believed to be a Mexican cartel member was seen traveling through the Rio Grande with migrants. He was also brazen enough to point his weapon at a group of soldiers while they were patrolling near a bridge in Texas. This incident is yet another example of how the cartels are able to operate despite Biden's inaction.

The surge in illegal immigrants entering the country has been increasing significantly in the Rio Grande Valley Sector. In just a couple of weeks, the number of illegal aliens apprehended by the Border Patrol has increased by 200 percent. The situation is now out of control and is a direct result of the policies of Biden.

The policies of Biden have been condemned by the American people. They are putting lives at risk and allowing criminals and dangerous weapons to enter the country. It's time for the administration to wake up and implement real reforms to secure the border. Unfortunately, I am afraid that this won't happen as long as the liberal allies of Biden are in charge. In 2022, 2024, and beyond, the American people will once again remember this.

Written by Staff Reports

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