
Biden’s Border Blunder: Deaths Soar to New Heights

The Biden administration has made a name for itself in record time: It’s now responsible for a WHOPPING surge in deaths at the border, thanks to its inability to control the influx of illegal immigrants! The Justice Department’s latest data shows that more people are dying while being arrested by Homeland Security’s border agency than by any other federal law enforcement team. That’s a real doozy for Biden’s record, especially when you consider the 48 deadly encounters in fiscal year 2021 under his watch, compared to the fewer than 13 deaths annually from 2016 to 2020.

In fact, CBP is on top of the list for arrest-related deaths, with nearly half of all 105 fatalities recorded by federal law enforcement occurring under its jurisdiction. The U.S. Marshals Service, which used to be top dog, now trails behind CBP, but the increase in deaths is still staggering.

Hey, it’s not all about use of force, folks! We’ve also got migrants falling from the border wall, getting hit by vehicles as they run from agents, and succumbing to medical distress when they’re caught. And let’s not overlook the skyrocketing number of unauthorized migrants encountered by CBP in 2021: a whopping THREE times the rate of 2020! That’s a whole lot of mayhem and chaos, and it’s wreaking havoc on the border wall too, with deadly falls spiking after Biden’s inauguration.

But don’t worry, CBP is doing its best to keep the public informed, reporting details far beyond what most other law enforcement agencies do. They’ve even got a fancy “CBP-Related Deaths” report, detailing 151 deaths, including 55 deemed “in-custody.” And guess what? That doesn’t just include use of force, but also drownings, falls, pursuits, and more.

But hold on a sec! Let’s talk about the real culprit behind all this tragedy: Congress. Yeah, they’re the ones demanding more details on the deaths, not because they want to, but because they’re practically forced to by a pesky little act that they passed. What a hoot!

And then there’s Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, who’s got it all figured out. To him, it’s simple math: more people coming in means more chances for arrest-related deaths. And you know, if they REALLY cared about saving lives, they’d just be more mindful of the overwhelming numbers. Duh!

So, next time you hear about the Border Patrol’s record-high deaths and the chaos at the border, just remember who’s steering the ship. It’s not a pretty picture, but it’s the reality we’re living in under President Biden’s watch.

Written by Staff Reports

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