
Biden’s Border Blunder: Millions of Lives and Billions at Stake!

In 2022, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas decided to have a little fun and started bussing migrants from the Southern Border into states like New York. Talk about a publicity stunt! He wanted to highlight how sanctuary cities don’t actually care about illegal immigrants crossing the border. But little did he know, this little game would have major consequences. Texas has been sending wave after wave of migrants to New York and other places, and it’s clear that no place in America is prepared for this surge.

And it’s not just Republican Governors who are bussing migrants to these sanctuary cities; the migrants themselves are flocking to these places. New York City is in a state of emergency because over 100,000 migrants are now freely traveling there. The city is so overwhelmed that they’re actually trying to evict migrants from local services meant for the homeless. It’s a real mess.

To make matters worse, New York City is now on the hook for billions of dollars. They have to shell out nearly $1.4 billion just to cover hotel costs for these migrants, and an additional $12.5 billion to handle all the other related expenses of the migrant crisis. Mayor Eric Adams is begging for help, saying that only more support from the state and federal government, as well as real policy change in Washington, can truly address this crisis.

But let’s not forget about what’s happening at the border itself. This year alone, we’ve already seen 2.3 million migrant encounters, and it’s not stopping. This number even surpasses what we witnessed all of last year. It’s absolutely mind-boggling.

And it’s not just people crossing the border; there’s also a surge in drug and cartel activity. Customs and Border Patrol have seized a whopping 25,000 pounds of fentanyl and other narcotics. The Mexican cartels are even using military tactics against our own agents. It’s a dangerous situation, and it’s clear that they’re better funded than our own Border Patrol agents.

Now, some may be wondering how we got to this point. Well, it all goes back to the Biden administration. In May of this year, they let Title 42 lapse, a policy put in place by the Trump administration to curtail migrant crossings. I warned at the time that this would lead to a surge, but the Biden administration turned a blind eye and let it happen. Their lack of action and failure to address the issue head-on has only led to more suffering and chaos at the border.

It’s clear that there needs to be a comprehensive immigration plan in place. The Biden administration needs to step up and secure our borders. This is not just a humanitarian crisis; it’s also a security nightmare for our country. Democrats can no longer hide from this issue or dismiss it as racism and xenophobia. It’s time for them to join Republicans in finding real solutions and bringing order to the border. And if it takes shipping migrants to their front doors to make them pay attention, then so be it. It’s a sad state of affairs when that’s what it takes to get things done.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden’s Border Blunder: Millions of Lives and Billions at Stake!