
Biden’s Border Blunders: 130k Illegals Caught in July, 50k Welcomed In!

The Washington Post, the newspaper that seems to love ignoring reality, is at it again with their latest report on illegal border crossings. It seems that in July, those pesky borderings have once again jumped up, even after a slight drop in June. But don’t worry, folks, the Biden administration is here to spin it like a top and claim they’re making progress.

According to the early numbers generously provided to The Post, Border Patrol snagged over 130,000 illegal border crossers along the U.S.-Mexico border in July. That’s up from 99,545 in June. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the authorities let an additional 50,000 migrants waltz right on in through Biden administration programs. It’s like they’re inviting them over for a nice cup of tea and a warm welcome to the land of the free.

But hold on to your hats, folks, because here comes the really interesting part. The spike in illegal crossings was most pronounced in the deserts of southern Arizona, where the temperatures often reached scorching heights of 110 degrees. You’d think the heat would be enough to discourage these folks, but apparently not. U.S. agents in that area had to make about 40,000 arrests in July alone. That’s the highest one-month total for the Tucson sector in 15 years. Great job, Biden! Your policies are really working wonders.

Of course, the fine folks at U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have their own spin on the matter. They claim that even though the numbers are rising, they’re still lower than when Title 42, a policy used to keep our borders secure, was in effect. Oh, how convenient! They conveniently forget to mention that these illegal border crossings are still much higher compared to the same time period during previous presidential administrations. But hey, who needs facts when you can just cherry-pick data to fit your narrative?

And let’s not forget about the new CBP One app that the Biden administration loves to brag about. Supposedly, this magical app allows asylum-seekers to schedule appointments at U.S. ports of entry. But surprise, surprise – many migrants in Mexico are getting tired of waiting for slots to open or for the app to actually work. It’s almost like this app is just smoke and mirrors, a gimmick to make it seem like the Biden administration is actually doing something about the border crisis.

But hey, I’m just a humble conservative news writer, pointing out the obvious flaws in the liberal agenda. It’s clear as day that illegal border crossings are still out of control, and the Biden administration can spin it all they want, but the American people see through their lies. It’s time to wake up and demand real border security, not empty promises and failed apps.

Written by Staff Reports

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