
Biden’s Border Blunders Enrich Smugglers, Cripple Cities!

President Biden’s border policies are not only a complete joke, but they’re also making human smugglers filthy rich. And the only professionals who are cheering on Biden’s border policies are these human smugglers.

A viral clip on social media, posted by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, revealed the disturbing reality at the border in Lukeville, Arizona. The clip showed a group of illegal aliens rushing through a breach in the border wall, while federal contractors were attempting to fix it. But the real kicker was the human smuggler guiding them through – he was exuding cocky confidence as if it was all just a game to him.

The smuggler wasn’t just nonchalantly guiding these illegal immigrants through the breached wall – he actually shrugged and saluted at the Fox cameras. It was as if he was saying, “Thanks for the free pass, suckers!”

Not only did he shrug off the entire situation as if it were a big joke, but he also saluted the cameras with mockery. It’s clear that he’s profiting off the chaos at the border and relishing in the incompetence of the Biden administration.

This is just a small glimpse into the ongoing flood of illegal immigration that has gone unchecked since Biden took office. The situation is so out of control that over 10,000 migrant encounters were reported at the southern border in just one day. And it’s not just a border issue – the repercussions are felt nationwide.

In New York, Mayor Eric Adams is leading his city into a downward spiral due to the influx of over 100,000 illegal aliens, costing the city billions of dollars. Meanwhile, in Chicago, Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson is telling residents to “sacrifice” for the invading armies of aliens occupying public facilities.

And while all of this chaos unfolds, Democratic leaders are turning a blind eye to the crisis. American citizens are being put at risk by unvetted aliens, and the only ones benefitting from this disaster are the border smugglers – just like the one in Melugin’s video.

It’s no wonder the smuggler saluted at the cameras. With the Biden administration’s ineptitude and the border being left wide open, these smugglers have hit the jackpot.

It’s clear that Biden’s border policies are failing miserably, and it’s a disaster for the entire country. But what else can we expect from the same Democratic leaders who are blind to the reality of the situation?

Written by Staff Reports

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