
Biden’s Border Blunders: Illegals Say “Thanks” as They Mock U.S. Law

In a recent report from Fox News journalist Bill Melugin, it’s been discovered that the majority of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border are not genuine asylum seekers, but are actually just trying to take advantage of the opportunities in the United States. In fact, some have even thanked President Joe Biden for inviting them to the country. How dare they come into our country illegally and have the audacity to thank Joe Biden for it?

Melugin’s findings reveal that these individuals are not fleeing oppression or seeking refuge from any real trouble in their home countries. They are solely focused on finding work, making money, and taking advantage of any freebies that the Democrats in power are willing to offer them. These lawbreakers are not interested in becoming Americans, they’re just here to make money and send it back to their home countries. How selfish and disrespectful!

During his time at the border, Melugin witnessed hordes of illegal immigrants pouring through breaches in the border barrier, while Biden’s Border Patrol agents stood idly by, doing nothing to stop the influx. It’s a disgrace that our own border patrol would let this happen!

In one particular encounter, Melugin came across an illegal immigrant who was openly praising Joe Biden for facilitating their illegal entry into the United States. How dare they show such gratitude to the president for allowing them to break the law and enter our country illegally?

These illegal immigrants simply see America as a means to an end, a place where they can work and make money without any regard for our laws or the process of legal immigration. They have no respect for the system, and it’s all thanks to Joe Biden’s weak and open-border policies.

It’s clear that Joe Biden’s presidency has led to a humanitarian crisis at the border, endangering not only American citizens but also the illegal immigrants who are left stranded without proper shelter, food, or support. The Border Patrol is overwhelmed by the sheer number of illegal crossings, with over 10,000 migrant encounters in just 24 hours. This is unacceptable!

As a country built on legal immigration, it’s appalling to see these individuals taking advantage of our system without any intention of truly becoming Americans. They see America as simply a source of income, with no respect for our laws or traditions. Shame on Joe Biden for allowing this to happen!


Written by Staff Reports

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