
Biden’s Border Crisis Blamed for 30 Tons of Deadly Fentanyl Flooding into U.S.

More than 30 tons of fentanyl have breached the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office. Thanks to Biden’s glaringly reckless immigration policies, this flow of dangerous substances can only be described as a full-scale assault on our nation’s borders.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) reported that 30.3 tons of fentanyl have successfully infiltrated American communities within the past four years. This avalanche of lethal drugs is directly tied to Biden’s failure to secure the border and deport the 17 million illegal immigrants who’ve waltzed into the country on his watch.

The United States is now facing an epidemic of poisonings fueled by fentanyl and its sinister cousins pouring over our southern border. Last year, over 100,000 Americans lost their lives to drug overdoses, with fentanyl claiming 70,000 of those. Even members of Biden’s own administration have conceded that these deadly substances are being smuggled in via the Southern Border. President Biden’s dismissive attitude, suggesting there are “more important things going on” than the border crisis, underscores just how out-of-touch and offensive his stance is.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has outlined that fentanyl production is predominantly in foreign countries like China, with the drug then being trafficked into the U.S. through illegal aliens. Fentanyl’s low cost encourages dealers to cut it into other drugs like cocaine and marijuana, resulting in millions of accidental overdoses across the nation. Mixing fentanyl into these illicit drugs increases their potency, with traffickers pressing it into pill form to mimic prescription opioids. Without quality control, consumers are unwittingly ingesting lethal doses.

In 2021, a staggering 90 percent of the 80,000 opioid-related deaths involved fentanyl—a figure that coincides suspiciously with the implementation of Biden’s immigration policies. While the Biden Administration’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas attempted to downplay the crisis, dismissing claims of fentanyl being brought in by non-citizens seeking asylum as “false,” the data tells a different story. In 2022 alone, four times as much fentanyl crossed the southern border under Biden compared to the Trump Administration. These shocking statistics mirror the unprecedented surge in illegal crossings since the 81-year-old president took office.

Written by Staff Reports

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