
Biden’s Border Wall U-Turn: Selling Off Security Amid Record Crisis

In yet another display of political hypocrisy, Joe Biden has once again flip-flopped on his stance regarding border security. Can you believe it, folks? Biden, who is now busy selling off parts of the materials for the border wall, once boasted about his commitment to securing the border. Back in 2006, he proudly declared, “I voted for a fence… People are driving across that border with tons, tons-hear me- tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine, to cocaine, to heroin.”

But fast forward to today, and what do we see? Biden not only halted the construction of the border wall that former President Trump had started, but he is now selling off its materials on GovPlanet. And all this while our country is facing the worst illegal immigration and drug overdose crisis in American history. Talk about priorities, or should I say, lack thereof.

The material for the 30-foot panels on the southern border is now being auctioned off in batches, averaging $212 each. This is just a slap in the face to all those hardworking Americans who believe in securing our borders and protecting our homeland. But Biden doesn’t seem to care about that. He considers the border wall a “waste of money” and diverts attention from what he calls “genuine threats to our homeland security.” Well, Mr. President, I don’t see how illegal immigration and drug trafficking are not genuine threats to our security. Maybe someone should remind him.

Biden’s disastrous policies have resulted in a border crisis of epic proportions. Just this year, law enforcement has encountered over 1.9 million illegal immigrants at the border, breaking records set in previous years. And that’s not all. Border Patrol agents are apprehending nearly 1,300 people a day in just the El Paso area alone. But hey, according to some news commentators, this broken system is working just fine. Volunteers are even helping migrants find their way north, and El Paso is chartering buses to accommodate them. What a disgrace!

But what’s even more disgraceful is Biden’s lack of action. He has been avoiding the actual southern border like the plague. When questioned about it, he arrogantly responded that “there are more important things going on.” Seriously, Mr. President? Let me tell you, there is nothing more important than securing our borders and protecting the American people. With over 2.3 million encounters with illegal immigrants in just one fiscal year, it’s clear that this crisis should be at the top of Biden’s to-do list. But instead, he and his Homeland Security Secretary have been turning a blind eye to the issue. The secretary has even stated that being in the country illegally no longer warrants removal. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a recipe for disaster.

It’s time for Biden to stop the political games and start prioritizing the safety and security of the American people. Selling off the border wall materials is just another slap in the face to those who believe in the rule of law and protecting our homeland. It’s time for real leadership, not empty promises and hypocritical actions. America deserves better.

Written by Staff Reports

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