
Biden’s Bumbling Comparison: Hamas vs Al-Qaeda

Well, well, well, it looks like President Joe Biden is off to a bumbling start once again. The Democrats and his buddies in the media may be fawning over him, but let’s take a closer look at his reaction to the Hamas-led attack on Israel last week. Spoiler alert: it’s not pretty.

The New York Post reported that our dear President made quite the eyebrow-raising remark while in Philadelphia. As he stumbled and nearly fell up the stairs (clumsy Joe strikes again!), he had the audacity to claim that Hamas makes Al Qaeda terrorists look “pure.” Are you kidding me? Comparing these Hamas terrorists to one of the most savage and cowardly terror groups in the world is just absurd.

But it doesn’t end there. Oh no, Biden managed to make even more nonsensical comments. Many people believe he has completely mishandled our response to the Hamas attack. First of all, he took his sweet time to even acknowledge it in the first place. And now, he’s eerily silent about the fate of dozens of Americans who are thought to be held captive. Where’s the leadership? Where’s the swift and decisive action?

Let’s delve into the specifics of what Biden actually said. After managing to steady himself at the podium, he dropped this gem: “These guys make – they make Al Qaeda look pure. They’re pure evil.” Apparently, Biden thinks we should believe that Hamas is even worse than Al Qaeda. I mean, come on, Al Qaeda has a laundry list of horrific attacks on innocent civilians.

Here are just a few examples: the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the truck bombs at U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998, and the bombing of the U.S. warship Cole in 2000. Oh, and who can forget the most devastating attack on American soil, 9/11? Nearly 3,000 innocent lives lost. To say that Hamas makes Al Qaeda “look pure” is not only ridiculous, but it diminishes the severity of Al Qaeda’s atrocities.

It’s clear that Biden’s remarks were not only misguided but also disrespectful to the victims of Al Qaeda’s heinous acts. We need a leader who understands the gravity of the situation and can respond with strength and resolve. Unfortunately, it seems we’re stuck with stumbling Joe, making blunders left and right. Heaven help us all.

Written by Staff Reports

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