
Biden’s Christmas “Gifts” Exposed: More Coal than Candy!

In a recent commentary piece published by NPR affiliate WBUR-FM in Boston, it’s clear that they’re touting the wonderful Christmas gift that is Joe Biden’s administration. But here’s the thing, folks: this is all a bunch of hooey, and C. Douglas Golden at The Western Journal is ready to call out the absurdity.

First of all, President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are circling the drain, and the only thing he’s leading in polls for the upcoming election year is the race to the bottom. His performance on the domestic front has been lackluster, with inflation remaining stubbornly high and a faltering economy that’s gasping for breath.

And let’s not even get started on the international front. Biden’s administration has been as a weak as watered-down tea, allowing Russia to invade Ukraine and Hamas to invade Israel, resulting in prolonged conflicts with no end in sight.

In the midst of all this drama, Biden’s son is facing tax and gun charges, and the president himself is under an impeachment inquiry over some fishy foreign money business involving his son Hunter.

Yet, here’s NPR, with their rose-colored glasses firmly in place, singing the praises of a “drama-free” White House. It’s a Christmas miracle, they say. However, C. Douglas Golden is not buying into the hype.

The commentary piece tries to paint a rosy picture of the Biden administration, claiming credit for the economic recovery and touting lower unemployment rates and wage growth. But here’s the reality check: the economic recovery is more about bouncing back from pandemic lockdowns, and Biden’s policies have only contributed to rampant inflation and other financial woes.

Moreover, the claim that Americans are spending more this holiday season is dubious at best, given that it should be taken with a grain of salt, considering the impact of inflation. And let’s not forget about that Santa-in-the-White-House analogy; does anyone even buy into that?

The reality is that Biden’s administration is far from drama-free, and the problems they’ve created far outweigh any supposed holiday gifts. It’s time for NPR to get back in touch with reality and for voters to take a closer look at the real cost of Biden’s policies.

In conclusion, this Christmas, let’s not be fooled by the shiny wrapping paper and empty promises of the Biden administration. As C. Douglas Golden rightly points out, it’s time to call out the clueless commentary and demand accountability from those in power.

And remember, folks, if you want to support honest journalism that fights against leftist narratives, consider joining The Western Journal. After all, it’s time to stand up for the truth this holiday season and beyond!

Written by Staff Reports

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