
Biden’s Christmas Message: U.S. Strikes Hit Terror Targets Squarely!

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, in a bold move, declared that the U.S. military’s strikes in Iraq on Christmas Day were totally on the money. He proclaimed that the strikes on three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups were absolutely necessary and fair. This statement is a clear indication that the Biden administration is not to be messed with when it comes to protecting American troops.

The precision strikes were a direct response to a string of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iran-sponsored militias. These groups, backed by Iran, have been causing trouble for our troops, including an attack on Erbil Air Base that left three troops injured, one of whom is in critical condition. The audacity of these attacks, under the sponsorship of Iran, cannot be tolerated.

It’s important to note that these attacks were not isolated incidents. In fact, there have been over 100 attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria, with more than 60 troops being injured, including 19 suffering traumatic brain injuries. The Biden administration has downplayed these injuries as “minor,” but the Christmas Day attack marks a significant escalation, with the first injury described as “critical.”

Defense Secretary Austin made it clear that the safety and well-being of American troops are of utmost importance. He acknowledged the injured troops and assured the public that the administration will not hesitate to defend the United States, its troops, and its interests. The message is crystal clear: any further threats or attacks will be met with unwavering resolve and decisive action.

In a time when the world seems to be teetering on the edge, it’s reassuring to know that the Biden administration is prioritizing the safety of American troops and standing up to those who seek to harm them. With leaders like Defense Secretary Austin and President Biden at the helm, Americans can rest assured that their security is in good hands.

Written by Staff Reports

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