
Biden’s Debate Performance Sparks Speculation on Possible Withdrawal

In recent news, there have been concerns raised about President Biden and his performance, particularly after his recent debate. Some believe that the President may be considering withdrawing from the upcoming presidential race. Biden and his aides have been accused of repeatedly lying and exaggerating in their attempts to downplay his struggles, such as blaming jetlag and a cold for his debate performance.

Critics argue that Biden’s history of poor decision-making and cognitive decline raise doubts about his ability to continue leading the country effectively. There are speculations that Biden’s team, including his family, may have already discussed potential exit strategies, possibly involving pardons for legal issues involving his son, Hunter Biden.

There are doubts about Vice President Kamala Harris’s willingness to grant such pardons if Biden were to resign, given her political ambitions. The potential consequences of a late withdrawal from the presidential race by Biden, including party division and lack of time for a replacement candidate to campaign effectively, have also been highlighted.

It is suggested that Biden may need to make a decision on his candidacy within the next few weeks to avoid damaging his reputation further. The article also raises concerns about the possibility of a incapacitated president, comparing Biden’s situation to Woodrow Wilson’s stroke and the challenges of covering up a leader’s health issues in today’s media-driven society.

Overall, the article brings attention to the uncertainties surrounding President Biden’s future in the presidential race and emphasizes the importance of addressing these concerns promptly for the benefit of the country and the political party.

Written by Staff Reports

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