
Biden’s Dirty Discourse: White House Hypocrisy Exposed!

The mainstream media hailed Biden as the epitome of decency and honor during his campaign, but it seems like all we got was an embarrassing White House. The media was ecstatic when Biden won the election, showering him with unwavering support and essentially campaigning on his behalf. They promised that Biden’s presidency would restore normalcy and respectability to the nation’s capital, but boy were they wrong.

According to a recent report by Axios, Biden has a habit of using vulgar language and berating his staff when things don’t go his way. This is the same man who lectured his incoming staffers about treating others with respect. Talk about hypocrisy! It’s clear that Biden is incapable of practicing what he preaches.

But that’s not the only problem plaguing the Bidens. Hunter Biden, the president’s troubled son, is facing a legal case involving a child he fathered out of wedlock. The way the Biden family has handled this situation is downright disturbing. They tried to sweep it under the rug, even going so far as to demand that the child not use the Biden family name. This is a calculated political decision that goes against their supposed commitment to family values. It’s truly sickening.

Even the mainstream media is struggling to spin this narrative. The New York Times, in a hilariously contradictory article, attempted to portray the Bidens as a loving family while conveniently omitting any mention of Navy Joan Biden, the grandchild they refused to acknowledge. It’s clear that the media is desperate to protect their preferred candidate from any negative press.

And let’s not forget about the recent scandal of cocaine being discovered inside the White House. Can you imagine the outrage if this had happened during the Trump administration? But instead of conducting a serious investigation and holding people accountable, the Biden administration has been changing their story and the press is just letting them get away with it. The double standards are truly mind-boggling.

Some liberals, like Michael Tomasky at the New Republic, are quick to defend Biden and cry foul whenever anyone criticizes him. They claim that Biden is unfairly targeted because he’s a decent human being. Well, if Biden wants to be held up as a paragon of decency, he better start acting like one. His treatment of the press, his failure to fix the economy, and his divisive rhetoric all contradict the image he and the media have sold us.

It’s time to call out Biden for his hypocrisy. He promised to bring dignity and honor to the White House, but all we’ve seen is a lack of professionalism, a disregard for the Constitution, and a divisive agenda. The media may try to cover it up, but conservatives won’t be fooled. It’s time for Biden to answer for his actions and deliver on his promises.

Written by Staff Reports

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