
Biden’s DOD Wastes $114M on Woke Nonsense While Enemies Circle!

Once more, the Biden administration demonstrated that its members are mired in their own thoughts and are oblivious to the true nature of national priorities. They appear to be engaging in a game akin to "Pin the Tail on the Donkey," but with funding allocated to the incorrect endeavors.

Amid ominous indications of a potential global conflict and Iranian threats, the Department of Defense audaciously petitions the government for an enormous $114 million. Further, what are their intended expenditures? Diversity-related endeavors. They intend to altruist the funds designated for our valiant military personnel with safety equipment and ammunition into initiatives that promote diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility. It is as though that would prevent the detonation of a weapon.

The funds would be allocated to the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Department of Defense. Because it appears that during times of intense conflict, our soldiers require greater "consideration" and "inclusion" in their job performance.

Additionally, it is worth noting that they have previously allocated financial resources towards this absurdity. They allocated $68 million and $86.5 million for these DEIA programs in prior years, respectively. It appears that an attempt is being made to transform our military into a unified, enlightened support group rather than a formidable force.

Moreover, the DOD is hardly subject to significant financial scrutiny. The Pentagon has failed its annual audit for a consecutive six years, failing to adequately account for fifty percent of the assets it claims to possess. And Iran's succession of assaults on bases housing U.S. personnel should make it abundantly apparent that our attention should be directed towards substantive defense rather than fanciful notions of diversity.

It appears that the Biden administration has forgotten that ideological conceptions of justice fail to defeat our adversaries. Furthermore, ensuring that our carriers have sufficient "gender diversity" will not replenish the depleted munitions that remain in Afghanistan.

This misallocation of funds serves no purpose other than to demoralize us in the eyes of those nations eager to see us fail. In regard to safeguarding our nation, it becomes evident that we are the very adversary of ourselves.

It is imperative that those genuinely interested in restoring rationality and establishing sound defense objectives take a position against these absurd decisions. When tangible dangers lurk, the world is not a suitable setting for awakened fantasies.

Written by Staff Reports

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