
Biden’s DOJ Finds White House In Hot Water, Debunks Migrant Drowning Tale!

The Biden White House has apparently fallen victim to deceit once more, and this time it pertains to the ongoing border crisis. The Texas Military Department, as many of you are aware, has been attempting to combat the influx of illegal immigrants traversing the southern border by prohibiting U.S. Border Patrol agents from providing assistance to these individuals.

According to media reports, Border Patrol agents were prevented from rescuing migrants who were drowning in the Rio Grande River by Texas soldiers. CBS News even portrayed it as confirmation from the Department of Homeland Security that the Border Patrol was physically prevented from conducting the rescue by Texas authorities. Additionally, Texas Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar accused the Texas Military Department on social media of impeding the Border Patrol's efforts to save lives.

Nevertheless, these allegations are wholly unfounded, as Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott asserts. He clarified the situation on X, which was previously Twitter, by asserting that the Border Patrol had requested river access subsequent to the drowning incidents and the discovery of the victims in Mexico. In addition, the Texas Military Department issued a statement disproving the allegations and claiming that they had no bearing on the Border Patrol's ability to save lives.

In an additional development, Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin observed that the filing of the U.S. Department of Justice against Texas in the Supreme Court disclosed that the Border Patrol was not notified of the plight of the migrants in peril until an hour had passed since the drowning of a woman and two children. This finding challenges the assertion made by the White House that the Texas Military Department obstructed the Border Patrol's ability to provide aid.

Indeed, the Texas Military Department was proactively involved in efforts to preserve human lives. Using thermals, night vision binoculars, and lights, they maintained vigilance to ensure that no additional migrants were in distress or in the river. Additionally, they apprehended two migrants, one of whom required medical attention due to hypothermia.

It is evident that the Texas Military Department is performing the life-saving mission of securing the border, which the federal government refuses to do. It is crucial to rectify the situation now that the truth is finally emerging, notwithstanding the fraudulent assertions made by the media. The Texas Military Department's endeavors are commendable, and the Biden administration should now assume a more proactive stance in tackling the border crisis.

Written by Staff Reports

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