
Biden’s DOJ Shields Hunter: Third IRS Agent Blows the Whistle!

In an unexpected turn of events, a third IRS worker has come forward with information that contradicts Attorney General Merrick Garland's claim that special counsel David Weiss had full power to charge Hunter Biden. This new information adds to the claims that the Justice Department tried to keep charges from being brought against the president's son.

Michael Batdorf, who is in charge of field operations for the IRS, said that during a meeting in June 2022, the tax section of the DOJ was against charging Hunter Biden. This resistance shows that Weiss needs permission from DOJ Tax before he can suggest that Hunter Biden be charged or prosecuted. Gary Shapley, an IRS agent who blew the whistle, and Joseph Ziegler, who worked for Shapley, both said that Weiss did not have the power to charge Hunter Biden. Batdorf's evidence backs up these claims.

Even more confusing is the fact that Weiss himself has said different things. Weiss reversed himself in two letters to Congress about whether or not he had the power to charge Hunter Biden. In the end, Weiss agreed with Garland and said that he was the only one who could bring charges against the president's son.

There is a lot of anger on the IRS team, and Batdorf said that he was angry and thought that Weiss was also angry about the situation. We don't know what made Weiss decide to keep going with the case in May. But Batdorf said that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf was taken off the case in May or June because she worked on a plea deal for Hunter Biden that didn't work out.

Shapley and Ziegler said that it was interesting that Wolf wouldn't let detectives ask about Joe Biden's role as "the big guy." Wolf is also said to have told the investigation team not to search Joe Biden's guest house in Delaware because it would be bad for "optics."

These new facts make me very worried about how the investigation into Hunter Biden is being done. It looks like the acts of the Justice Department may have kept the president's son from being charged, which goes against the idea that everyone should get the same treatment under the law. The people of the United States deserve to know what's going on and have a full review into these claims.

Written by Staff Reports

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