
Biden’s DOJ Thwarted: Judge Defends Trump in Mar-a-Lago Witch Hunt!

In a stunning turn of events, a Florida federal judge has fired back at the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel Jack Smith, accusing him of trying to manipulate the case against former President Trump. Judge Aileen Cannon didn’t hold back, labeling Smith’s theory about the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) as “broad and unconvincing” and clearly biased against Trump.

According to Smith, the CIPA gives him the power to withhold specific documents obtained from Mar-a-Lago on national security grounds. But Judge Cannon saw right through this charade. She pointed out that Smith’s argument would unfairly restrict the defense from reviewing crucial evidence and placed an unjust burden on Trump’s lawyers. It’s clear that Smith’s interpretation of the law is “atextual” and, dare we say, almost laughably misinformed.

And that’s not all. Judge Cannon is also expected to grant Trump a delay in the case, effectively pushing the start date past the 2024 presidential election. This delay would be a significant victory for Trump, as it would ensure that the trial doesn’t interfere with his potential bid for the White House. It’s a clever move by the former president, taking advantage of the legal system to safeguard his political aspirations.

Conservative reporter Julie Kelly didn’t waste any time in pointing the finger at Smith for the delay in the case. And she’s right to do so. It’s mind-boggling how Smith managed to bring not one but two federal cases against Trump in such a short span of time. It seems like he’s on a personal vendetta against the former president, desperately trying to dig up anything to tarnish his reputation.

Let’s not forget, Trump has consistently declared his innocence in this matter. He firmly believes that the documents found at Mar-a-Lago were declassified under the Presidential Records Act. But instead of giving him a fair trial, Smith and his team have bombarded Trump’s legal defense with overwhelming amounts of so-called evidence. It’s a blatant attempt to drown them in paperwork and prevent them from mounting a strong defense.

Once again, we witness the biased actions of the Biden Justice Department. It’s clear that they are determined to bring down Trump, no matter the cost. But with the resilience of a true conservative warrior, Trump continues to fight for justice and accountability. Let’s hope that the truth prevails and that this witch hunt against the 45th president is finally put to rest.


Written by Staff Reports

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