
Biden’s Double Standard: All’s Fair in War Against Trump?

FBI Director Christopher Wray faced some tough questions during a hearing with the House Judiciary Committee, and one exchange in particular stood out. Representative Wesley Hunt of Texas pointed out the glaringly ironic discrepancies in how President Biden and former President Trump are treated when it comes to classified documents.

Hunt highlighted the fact that while President Trump is being threatened with over 400 years in prison for possessing classified documents as the Commander in Chief, President Biden faces no charges for holding classified documents as a senator and vice president. Hunt also noted that Biden had no legal authority to declassify those documents, making the situation even more questionable.

When asked about the investigation into classified documents found at the Penn Biden Center and in Hunter Biden’s garage, Wray couldn’t provide much information. He simply mentioned an ongoing special investigation involving FBI agents and the special counsel.

Hunt didn’t shy away from expressing his dissatisfaction with the double standard. He pointed out that one case is being fast-tracked while the other is being slow-walked. He also highlighted the contrasting treatment of the two presidents’ homes, with the Secret Service protecting Trump’s home and the FBI raiding it. Hunt summed it up perfectly by saying that these things shouldn’t be happening in a functioning constitutional republic.

Hunt went on to offer his opinion on why the Biden Administration is going after Trump with such fervor. According to Hunt, Biden knows he is unpopular, and the only way to stop Trump from beating him in 2024 is to put him in jail. This might sound like a conspiracy theory, but it gains credibility when we consider the consistently bad poll numbers for the president.

The congressman also pointed out the unprecedented nature of the charges against Trump. In the 247 years of our nation’s existence, only one president has ever been indicted by the DOJ and had his home raided by the FBI. This raises serious questions about equal justice under the law.

Hunt also challenged the popular narrative that “nobody is above the law.” He brought up Hillary Clinton and the Biden family, questioning why they seem to be immune from prosecution. Comparing Hunter Biden to glitter, Hunt humorously noted that he is everywhere and yet nothing seems to be done about it.

In essence, Hunt argued that the DOJ and FBI should not be used to prosecute Biden’s top political opponent, especially considering that Trump is leading in every primary poll and the Iowa Caucus is just six months away. The American people deserve blind justice and equal treatment under the law. It is not the job of law enforcement agencies to interfere in elections or protect politicians from facing consequences.

Unsurprisingly, Hunt’s exchange with Wray garnered attention from Trump supporters, who see it as further evidence of the politicization of these charges. Polling has shown that a majority of Americans share this belief.

It’s clear that the discrepancy in how Trump and Biden are treated when it comes to classified documents is a matter of concern. The American people deserve transparency and equal justice, regardless of political affiliation. The upcoming primaries and potential rematch between Trump and Biden in the general election will surely be closely watched, as the public’s opinion on these matters continues to shape the future of our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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