
Biden’s Economic Flop: 48% Voters See a Brighter 2024 Exit

Americans See a Brighter Future if Biden is Fired in 2024

According to a recent poll from the reputable Rasmussen, it seems that the American people are not as enamored with President Biden’s economic prowess as the mainstream media would have you believe. In fact, a staggering 48% of voters believe that the economy would actually improve if Biden were shown the door in 2024. As a conservative writer, this comes as no surprise to me.

Interestingly enough, it’s not just Republicans who have lost faith in Biden’s ability to keep their wallets full. The poll revealed that even 38% of Democrats believe that dumping Biden would be a financial boon for them. But of course, the remaining 62% are probably too blinded by their partisan allegiance to see the truth.

These findings shatter the narrative spun by Biden and his loyal followers. They live in an echo chamber where they believe that Bidenomics is the secret recipe for economic success. However, the reality on the ground tells a different story. A whopping 47% of voters rate the current state of the economy as “poor”, while only 35% consider it good or excellent. It’s clear that everyday Americans are feeling the weight of Biden’s failed policies.

While Biden and his media allies continue to peddle their propaganda, the facts don’t lie. Gas prices are skyrocketing, wages are stagnant, and borrowing has become more expensive. Inflation is running wild, forcing the Federal Reserve to admit that interest rates cannot be lowered. But hey, I guess in the world of Bidenomics this is all part of the “progress” we’ve been promised.

It’s amusing to see how the White House resorts to browbeating the American people for their failure to appreciate Biden’s economic plan. They seem to forget that if you have to explain why things are going well, chances are they aren’t. As the great Ronald Reagan once said, “If you’re explaining, you’re losing.” And it seems like Biden is stuck in a never-ending cycle of explaining.

Even some Democrats are starting to wake up from their liberal daydreams and admit that they aren’t convinced by Biden’s pie-in-the-sky messaging. They may support Democrat policies for other reasons, like blind allegiance or a hatred of all things conservative, but deep down they know that their wallets are worse off under Biden. It’s about time they face the reality and put America’s economic future first.

So, while one poll may not be the be-all and end-all, it certainly speaks volumes. It confirms what we conservatives have been saying all along – Biden’s economic policies are failing the American people. It’s time for a change, and in 2024, Americans will have the opportunity to make their voices heard once again. Let’s hope they choose a leader who actually knows how to keep our wallets full and our economy thriving.

Written by Staff Reports

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