
Biden’s Education Dept admits colleges ignore antisemitism to placate woke agendas

The Biden Department of Education recently unveiled a real shocker: a review confirming that multiple colleges are turning a blind eye to antics that promote pro-Hamas nonsense and rampant antisemitism. In an ironic twist, the press release tried to paint a picture of both Jewish and Palestinian students facing equal mistreatment. It’s the classic ‘ignore what you see’ tactic straight from the liberal playbook. Anyone with a functioning brain cell knows who was on the receiving end of this abuse – Jewish students subjected to vicious, anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist madness on campus.

On Monday, the Department announced that City University of New York (CUNY) and the University of Michigan are falling short in addressing discrimination reports. Seems these institutions are more interested in coddling their woke student bodies than protecting all students from hate. Discrimination on the basis of ancestry is apparently only important when it serves a political agenda.

The big reveal continued with an acknowledgment that nearly 100 investigations had been launched into various schools for alleged shared ancestry discrimination since the Israel-Hamas conflict began. Amid the chaos, the Department reiterated that universities must comply with federal civil rights laws addressing discrimination. Essentially, they underscored the need to actually follow the law—an apparently foreign concept to these liberal bastions.

In particular, the case of CUNY is startling. Resolution of complaints dating back to 2019 was announced. These complaints involve a range of shameful behaviors at multiple CUNY campuses, from Hunter College to Baruch College. The incidents ranged from harassment on account of shared Jewish ancestry to accusations of discrimination against students perceived to have Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and South Asian heritage.

So what’s being done about it? Not much by the universities themselves, it seems. The investigation found that universities didn’t bother interviewing any affected students in their “investigations.” Worse still, there was no attempt to communicate the results or remedy the hostile environments their own investigations unearthed. It’s almost as if these institutions are trying to sweep it all under the carpet and move on.

What do the feds propose as a remedy? More investigations, more training, and—of course—more bureaucracy. CUNY is now on the hook to reopen and investigate complaints, train staff on how not to be discriminatory (shouldn’t this be common sense?), and give peace officers a crash course on Title VI. Oh, and they need to conduct climate surveys by 2024. As if surveys will fix the base-level intolerance that has been allowed to fester.

This comes at a time when universities are already hotbeds for illiberal ideologies, featuring “safe spaces,” speech zones, and even segregated housing. Now, conservatives must grapple with the fear that these left-wing institutions are increasingly becoming breeding grounds for the next wave of radicalism. What’s next? A diploma in ex

Written by Staff Reports

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