
Biden’s EV Dreams Stall as Proterra Plummets into Bankruptcy

Hot off the press! It seems like Biden’s grand plans for electric vehicles are short-circuiting. Just when he was championing these electric vehicle companies as the saviors of our planet, one of them, Proterra, went kaput and filed for bankruptcy. Oops!

Proterra, the company that manufactures electric buses for transit fleets, went from being valued at a whopping $1.6 billion in 2021 to barely scraping together $500 million to $1 billion in its assets and liabilities. Talk about a steep fall from grace!

President Biden himself couldn’t stop gushing about this company. He mentioned Proterra repeatedly, even taking a virtual tour of their facilities in 2021. He probably claimed he was a bus driver in a former life or something. And to make matters worse, he appointed the CEO, Gareth Joyce, to a top advisory council position. Yikes! I guess that decision backfired, huh?

In true politician fashion, Joyce blames “various market and macroeconomic headwinds” for Proterra’s bankruptcy. Translation: they didn’t make enough money and couldn’t keep up with the competition. But fear not, loyal readers, they claim this bankruptcy is just a reorganization, and they will continue to operate and pay salaries. How generous of them.

This whole debacle just goes to show that Biden’s vision of a world dominated by electric vehicles may not be as rosy as he wants us to believe. It turns out these fancy electric cars have some serious issues. They struggle to perform in extreme temperatures, towing is a nightmare (especially for trucks), and they can only go so far before needing a lengthy recharge. Plus, finding charging stations is like searching for a needle in a haystack in many areas. Good luck with that!

But hold on to your MAGA hats, folks, because it gets even better. Experts are warning that transitioning to electric vehicles too quickly could lead to frequent power outages. Yes, you heard that right! Our power grids are already on the brink, and now Biden wants to add the burden of charging millions of electric vehicles. I bet he expects the magic climate fairies to keep the lights on while we all wait for our electric cars to charge.

Oh, and it doesn’t stop there. Ford, a titan in the automobile industry, also admitted to losing big bucks on electric vehicles. They’re looking at a whopping $4.5 billion loss this year. I guess people just don’t want these electric cars as much as the government wants us to. Fancy that!

So there you have it, folks. Biden and his cronies may talk a big game about electric vehicles, but the reality is shockingly different. These companies are going bankrupt, electric cars have serious limitations, and transitioning too quickly could plunge us into darkness. Maybe it’s time for the Biden administration to hit pause on their green dreams and focus on something that actually works. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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