
Biden’s Failing Economy: Reality vs WH Fantasyland

Amidst the chaos of Thanksgiving, the White House is desperately scrambling to save President Biden from his plummeting poll numbers. With less than a year left until the crucial 2024 election, they are throwing everything they can at the wall, hoping something sticks. But as usual, their connection to facts and reality is questionable at best.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, never one to shy away from stretching the truth, recently claimed that inflation is under control. She even went as far as sharing an imaginary list of items that are supposedly cheaper this Thanksgiving, including gas, airline tickets, and TVs. It’s laughable! Jean-Pierre must be living in a fantasyland if she thinks Americans will buy into this nonsense.

Let’s set the record straight. Sure, Thanksgiving dinners are technically 4.5 percent cheaper than last year, but that’s only because they were outrageously expensive under Biden’s watch. The cost of a family Turkey dinner with all the trimmings is still a whopping 25 percent higher than before he took office. So, thanks, Biden, for making our holiday feasts more expensive!

And let’s not forget about the overall cost of living. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index, which even the Biden administration can’t dispute, shows that the cost of food has increased by 0.3 percent from September to October and a staggering 3.3 percent over the past year. That’s not progress, that’s a burden on hardworking Americans.

But it’s not just food prices that are skyrocketing. Overall, Americans are paying over 17 percent more for goods and services compared to before Biden’s presidency. And what do we have to show for it? Pathetic wage growth of only around 13 percent during the same period. This is not what Americans signed up for.

Instead of acknowledging the struggles Americans are facing, the Biden administration continues to insult our intelligence. They want us to believe that all the economic pain we feel is just in our imaginations. Well, let me tell you, we’re not imagining things when we see the rising prices at the gas pump, the grocery store, and in our monthly bills.

It’s time for the White House to face reality and admit that “Bidenomics” has been a failure. The American people are not oblivious to the hardships they are enduring under this administration. Denying our economic reality only adds fuel to the fire of our frustration. If Biden wants any chance of salvaging his presidency, he needs to abandon his misguided policies and start listening to the concerns of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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