
Biden’s Failures Exposed: Dems Turn on Their Own and Seek True Leadership

Americans, including a brave few Democrats, have finally had enough of President Joe Biden’s disastrous policies, and they’re not afraid to speak out. In a scathing video posted by Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), Biden’s weaknesses are put on full display for the world to see. Phillips cleverly juxtaposes historical audio of former President John F. Kennedy advocating for a stronger nation with footage of the Biden administration’s failures, such as the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the chaos at the southern border, and the violent protests following the George Floyd incident and Roe v. Wade decision.

The video’s powerful message is clear: Biden is a feeble candidate who is incapable of defeating the great Donald Trump. The images of Biden looking confused as Kennedy speaks about the burden of a long struggle perfectly encapsulate his lack of strength and leadership. It’s no wonder that America finds itself on the brink of World War III under Biden’s disastrous term. With two ongoing wars, an open southern border flooded with drugs and human trafficking, and skyrocketing inflation that leaves hard-working Americans struggling to make ends meet, it’s clear that Biden’s policies have been a complete and utter failure.

To make matters worse, even fellow Democrats are starting to question Biden’s ability to lead. One of his challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips, openly criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, noting her abysmal approval ratings as evidence that she is ill-equipped to step into the role of commander-in-chief. Phillips didn’t hold back, sharing that he has heard from reliable sources that Harris lacks the necessary skills, disposition, and competencies to effectively execute the duties of the office. The fact that Harris’s approval numbers are even worse than Biden’s says it all.

Of course, there are always those who will defend the failing status quo. Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) took aim at Phillips, accusing him of attacking Harris and tarnishing his own reputation. It’s clear that Garcia is more interested in defending the incompetent Harris than in upholding the principles of strong leadership and accountability.

If there’s one thing we can take away from all of this, it’s that Biden was a weak candidate in 2020, and he will be an even weaker candidate in 2024. While some may have thought he was the only Democrat who could defeat the great Donald Trump at the time, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Biden is no match for him. The American people deserve a leader who is strong, competent, and capable of delivering real results, and it’s abundantly clear that Biden and his administration simply don’t measure up. It’s time for Biden to pass the torch and make way for a leader who can truly put America first.

Written by Staff Reports

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