
Biden’s “Forgotten” Grandkid: Political Ploy Exposed?

President Joe Biden faces backlash once again, this time for conveniently remembering that he has a seventh grandchild. It seems like just yesterday that the President and his wife, Jill, were adamantly denying the existence of their granddaughter. But last week, they finally decided to acknowledge the little girl as part of their family. How gracious of them.

In a statement provided to Fox News (a network that is clearly an expert on all things Biden), the President and First Lady revealed that Navy Joan is indeed their granddaughter. They also mentioned her mother, former exotic dancer Lunden Roberts, just in case anyone was curious about her background. It’s nice to see the Bidens embracing their daughter-in-law’s career choices.

But don’t worry, folks, this is not a political issue. According to the President, it’s just a “family matter.” You know, the kind of family matter where you conveniently forget about a child for years and then suddenly remember them when it becomes politically expedient. It’s heartwarming, really.

Legal scholar and frequent Biden critic, Jonathan Turley, didn’t hold back in his assessment of the situation. He called the first family’s behavior a “monstrosity,” and he’s not wrong. Ignoring a child’s existence for years and then expecting everyone to believe that you suddenly care about their well-being is a bit hard to swallow.

Turley also pointed out the hypocrisy of the Bidens’ statement, noting that there was no legitimate reason for them to ignore Navy for so long. It seems their newfound concern for their granddaughter is purely driven by political pressure and the disgust expressed even by their own party. Can’t have those pesky Democrats criticizing you, now can you?

And let’s not forget about Jill Biden’s Christmas stocking faux pas. While she hung stockings for the family pets, she conveniently forgot about Navy. It’s almost as if she didn’t consider the child a part of the family until it became politically inconvenient to ignore her. But hey, who needs consistency when you can appease the masses?

In the end, this whole debacle is a testament to the Biden family’s lack of integrity and their willingness to prioritize their own political image over the well-being of their own flesh and blood. It’s a shame, really. But hey, at least they finally acknowledged Navy, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden’s “Forgotten” Grandkid: Political Ploy Exposed?