The White House is in full damage control mode after President Joe Biden’s recent comment that implies black and Hispanic workers don’t have high school diplomas. It’s quite ironic that an administration so quick to label everything and everyone as “racist” now has to make excuses for their own leader’s appalling remark. It’s clear that Biden’s foot-in-mouth disease is contagious, as the White House desperately tries to cover up yet another gaffe.
According to the official transcript, Biden said, “We’ve seen record lows in unemployment, particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, and the workers without high-school diplomas.” Did the White House really think they could sweep this one under the rug? Twitter users were quick to call out the embarrassing, sad, and infuriating attempt at a cover-up.
Contrary to Biden’s claims, a report shows that the majority of people over the age of 25 in all ethnic groups have completed high school. It seems the president is out of touch with reality once again. Or maybe he’s just trying to pander to certain groups for political points. Either way, it’s just another example of how Biden has become an embarrassment for our country during his time in office.
It’s not the first time Biden has put his foot in his mouth. In 2019, he infamously said that “poor kids” are just as bright and talented as white kids. And let’s not forget when he referred to black kids as “roaches” or described former President Barack Obama as the rare “bright and clean” black person. It’s clear that Biden has a pattern of making racially insensitive remarks.
But according to the progressive Left, it’s the Republicans who want secure borders and to keep illegal aliens out of the country who are the real racists. It’s a convenient narrative that conveniently ignores Biden’s own history of racially charged comments. It’s just another example of the double standards and hypocrisy of the Left.
In conclusion, Biden’s recent comment implying that black and Hispanic workers don’t have high school diplomas is just another embarrassing gaffe from a president who seems to have an endless supply of them. It’s clear that the White House is doing damage control once again, but the American people shouldn’t be fooled. Biden’s track record of racially insensitive remarks is no laughing matter, and it’s time for him to be held accountable for his words.