
Biden’s Gaslighting Fails to Fuel Public Approval

President Joe Biden is back at it again, trying to spin the public perception of his disastrous policies. His communication team has been working tirelessly to distract Americans from the inconvenient truth that his decisions have led to a slew of negative consequences. Despite their best efforts, the public is still not buying what Biden is selling. Opposition to his policies on the economy, border security, and national defense is mounting.

In a feeble attempt to shift the blame and curry favor with the American people, Team Biden is now touting the so-called “benefits” of lower gas prices. They want Americans to forget that it was Biden’s energy policies that sent gas prices skyrocketing to record-breaking levels in June 2022. Gas prices hit an all-time high with regular unleaded reaching $5.016 and diesel soaring to $5.816. And who was at the helm when these record prices were set? You guessed it, good ol’ Biden.

Biden is shamelessly patting himself on the back for depleting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its lowest levels in decades. This reckless move comes at a time of global turmoil, with conflicts erupting in Europe and the Middle East. Instead of acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Biden expects Americans to applaud him because the average driver is supposedly spending $100 less than at the peak of the crisis that he caused. What a joke!

What Biden conveniently neglects to mention is that gas prices are still higher than when he took office. The national average for regular unleaded on January 20, 2021, was $2.393. Fast forward to January 4, 2024, and the average price was $3.090. It’s plain to see that Biden’s victory lap is nothing more than a deceptive attempt to conceal the fact that Americans are shelling out more for gas under his administration.

But wait, there’s more. The national average gas price hasn’t dipped below $3.00 since May 2021, shortly after Biden assumed office. It’s crystal clear that Biden’s policies have hit Americans where it hurts the most – their wallets. Instead of acknowledging this painful truth, Biden and his cronies are concocting spin to cover up the harsh reality.

Biden’s audacity to assume that Americans are oblivious to the financial strain caused by his policies is outrageous. His “Build Back Better” agenda has only brought about inflation, negative real wages, and economic turmoil. It’s time for Biden to face the music and take responsibility for the mess he’s made. The truth is, gas prices, along with a myriad of economic woes, have only soared under Biden’s watch. The hefty price tag of “Bidenomics” continues to burden hardworking Americans, and this costly failure rests squarely on President Biden’s shoulders.

Written by Staff Reports

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