
Biden’s Green Job Lies Exposed, Blue-Collar Workers Betrayed

A recent study that looked into the transition of fossil fuel workers to greener jobs has questioned President Biden's claims about how smooth it would be for them to leave the industry. According to the study, which was conducted by the National Bureau of Economic research, only a small number of people in industries that heavily contribute to climate change made the jump to sustainable practices like wind, solar, and electric cars from 2020 to 2022.

The findings of this study cast doubt on the claims made by the White House regarding the potential impact of the Clean Energy Act on the creation of new jobs in the future. According to Mark Curtis, the data does not support the administration's claims that a large-scale transition is possible. Despite the positive effects of the legislation, he noted that the transition to green jobs has not yet occurred.

According to the study, people who previously worked in other countries were more likely to be hired for green jobs than those in domestic industries that heavily employ carbon-intensive workers. The majority of those with these types of jobs came from white-collar positions and other industries. These findings suggest that the promise of clean-energy jobs may not be helping those who are most affected by the shift away from fossil fuels.

The study highlights the concerns about the administration's efforts to help displaced workers in the fossil fuel industry. Despite the potential for growth in green manufacturing and the EV sector, it indicates that the transition to sustainable practices is not likely to happen immediately. Furthermore, workers in regions that are heavily affected by fossil fuel emissions are less likely to take on green jobs.

The study's findings challenge Biden's claims, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive plan to help those who are left behind by the shift to clean energy.

Written by Staff Reports

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