
Biden’s Hunter Pardon Sparks Outrage Over Alleged Nepotism

The recent pardon of Hunter Biden by President Joe Biden has raised eyebrows, and it’s not just because of its blatant nepotism. This questionable act has plenty of conservatives scratching their heads, pondering how a father’s love can so blatantly intertwine with political gain. It appears that Joe Biden has chosen family loyalty over accountability, and to the dismay of many, he seems to believe that his son’s legal troubles can be brushed away with a presidential pardon. It’s a classic case of “Do as I say, not as I do,” with the veneer of justice twisted for personal benefit.

A Federal District Judge, Mark C. Scarsi, has weighed in on the matter, bringing attention to a substantive flaw in Biden’s reasoning. He pointed out that while the President possesses the power to grant pardons, that power doesn’t extend to altering the fabric of reality itself. This is not a new take; it’s an observation that essentially echoes what Americans from all walks of life have felt regarding the situation. It feeds into the narrative that Joe Biden is not only looking out for himself but also working to rewrite history to protect his family name. The bigger issue here isn’t just Hunter’s trouble with tax evasion, but the apparent double standard being applied to those not conveniently related to a sitting President.

Biden’s concerns for Hunter, citing selective prosecution, seem a bit rich, considering how many other Americans face justice without the luxury of a family member in the Oval Office. It’s refreshing to see both Judges Scarsi and Maryellen Noreika dismiss these claims, noting that Hunter is not being treated differently simply because he is dear old dad’s son. Perhaps a fairer pardon would have been for those unfairly prosecuted in the aftermath of the January 6th events, or even for former President Trump, who faced endless harassment at the hands of the establishment. But no, Biden seems to believe that his son deserves a get-out-of-jail-free card when others have been left to face the music.

The pardon’s foundation crumbles even further under scrutiny when one considers Hunter’s own admission of guilt in the tax matter. It’s not as if he was wrongfully accused; he pleaded guilty and then promptly received a golden parachute of a pardon. It’s curious that in the midst of lamenting the supposed victimization of his family, Biden conveniently overlooks the countless Americans who’ve actually suffered genuine injustice without the proverbial presidential eye winking in their favor. 


To top it all off, the assertions of selective prosecution ring hollow in the face of Judge Scarsi’s remarks. Two federal judges have outright dismissed the idea that Hunter was specifically targeted due to his family connection. The Biden camp would like the public to believe that a veritable network of federal civil servants, including the Attorney General, were colluding to take down the son of the sitting President. Instead, this paints a picture of the Bidens as victims, when in reality, they are playing the role of the privileged, throwing a tantrum because the consequences of their actions finally caught up with them.

In this light, Biden’s pardon seems less about justice and more about protecting his own interests – the familial bond takes precedence over the rule of law. So when Biden calls upon Americans to understand his fatherly decision, one can’t help but suspect that it’s less about paternal love and more about ensuring that the skeletons in the Biden closet remain firmly in their crypt. The question remains: how much longer will Americans tolerate a system that operates on the premise of preferred treatment for those who share the same last name as the commander-in-chief? The answer is likely as perplexing as the pardon itself.

Written by Staff Reports

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