
Biden’s Internet Power Grab: The End of Online Freedom?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently voted in favor of a plan proposed by the Biden administration that aims to promote so-called “equity and diversity” online. Sounds great, right? Well, not exactly. Critics are calling this plan a “takeover of the Internet” by the federal government, and they couldn’t be more right.

Under this plan, the FCC would have complete authority over the Internet, giving the government free rein to control everything from network infrastructure to customer service. They claim it’s to prevent discrimination and ensure equal access to broadband, but let’s be real here. This is just another power grab by the Biden administration.

You see, this proposal grants the government broad access and regulatory control over all aspects of the Internet. And that’s a scary thought. Giving the government this much control is a recipe for disaster. We all know how well the government handles things. Just look at the DMV or the Post Office. Do we really want them in charge of our Internet?

FCC Commissioner Brandon Carr spoke out against this plan, calling it a “sweeping regulatory regime” that goes against the principles of free market capitalism. And he’s absolutely right. The government shouldn’t have this much authority over the Internet. It’s a slippery slope that could lead to even more government control and less freedom for us all.

But that’s not all. The FCC reserves the right to regulate both actions and omissions under this plan. In other words, you could be held liable for doing something or doing nothing at all. There’s no way to comply with these vague and arbitrary regulations. It’s government overreach at its finest.

And let’s not forget about the Biden administration’s track record with regulations. Remember when they claimed that the end of Net Neutrality would be the downfall of the Internet? Yeah, that turned out to be nothing more than fear-mongering. The Internet is still thriving without burdensome government regulations.

So, let’s call this plan what it really is: a power grab by the Biden administration. They want to control every aspect of the Internet to push their own agenda and stifle free market competition. We can’t let them get away with it. We need to stand up for our freedoms and fight against this government takeover of the Internet. Our online freedom depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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