
Biden’s Iran Blindspot: Ignoring Rising Attacks on US & Israel

The Biden administration’s intelligence assessment may claim that Iran is not seeking a “wider war” in the Middle East against Israel or its allies, but let’s not be fooled by the regime’s sweet talk. Tehran may say one thing, but its actions speak much louder. Iran, through its proxies, is actively escalating attacks on Israeli and American targets without any fear of consequences.

Just take a look at what’s happening on the ground. Hamas, Hezbollah, and even Houthi rebels in Yemen are all continuing their aggressive actions towards Israel and the United States. These terror groups, fueled and supported by Iran, are launching rocket barrages, carrying out hostilities, and targeting American troops and vessels. It’s a never-ending cycle of violence that demands a strong response.

But fear not, my fellow conservatives, because history has shown us the way. Back in 1988, when President Ronald Reagan was at the helm, Iran made a fatal mistake by mining a U.S. Navy vessel in the Persian Gulf. The USS Samuel B. Roberts was left severely damaged, but thanks to the heroic efforts of its crew, it stayed afloat against all odds.

President Reagan was not one to let such aggression go unanswered. He swiftly launched Operation Praying Mantis, a massive show of force that resulted in the sinking of half of Iran’s Navy. It was a resounding message to the Iranian regime: mess with the United States, and you’ll pay the price. And it worked, at least for a time.

Now, contrast that with Biden’s response to Iran-backed attacks on U.S. troops. It has been nothing short of weak and ineffective. Attacks continue to happen because Iran sees no reason to stop. They know that they can get away with it under this administration. We need a leader who will stand up to these terrorists, who won’t back down in the face of aggression.

President Reagan demonstrated the strength and resolve needed to protect our forces and deter our enemies. It’s time for Biden to follow in his footsteps. Show Iran that we mean business, that we won’t tolerate attacks on our troops, and that there will be severe consequences for their actions. Only then can we hope to put an end to this endless cycle of violence.

Written by Staff Reports

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