
Biden’s Iran Envoy’s Security Clearance Revoked: Find Out Why

Just when you thought the classified documents debacle couldn’t get any worse in Joe Biden’s presidency, another high-level official is facing scrutiny. It seems like there’s no end to the incompetence and mishandling of sensitive information in this administration.

According to Breitbart, Rob Malley, Biden’s envoy on Iran, is now under investigation for his handling of classified documents. This investigation has been ongoing for several months, so it’s not something that just popped up out of the blue. And as a result, Malley has had his security clearance revoked and has been placed on unpaid leave. Finally, a consequence for these reckless actions!

Now, let’s talk about Malley’s sketchy history. Breitbart notes that he has long been suspected of being too sympathetic to Iran and radical Islamic terrorists. Seriously, what kind of person is Biden appointing to represent our country’s interests? We should be choosing individuals who put America first, not those who have questionable ties to our adversaries.

It’s no surprise that social media users are already comparing Malley’s scandal to the one surrounding Biden himself. Somehow, I doubt that Malley will receive the same kid gloves treatment that the President has gotten. We all remember how Biden mishandled classified materials and even stole them as a senator. And yet, he’s sitting in the Oval Office without any consequences.

But we can’t rely on the Department of Justice to handle this investigation fairly and justly. Under Biden’s leadership, who knows what they’ll do? It’s clear that this administration doesn’t hold itself accountable for its actions, so why should we expect them to hold anyone else accountable? It’s just one more reason why we need conservative leaders who will uphold the principles and values that this country was founded upon.

In the end, only time will tell if Malley’s case will be resolved properly and if justice will be served. But based on everything we’ve seen from this administration so far, I won’t be holding my breath. It’s time for conservatives to step up and demand accountability from those in power. Our country deserves better than the incompetence and corruption that has become the norm in Washington.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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