
Biden’s Jet-Setting Hypocrisy Exposed: Buttigieg’s Pricey Private Flights on Taxpayers Dime

The Biden administration has found itself in hot water again, and this time it’s over Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s repeated use of taxpayer-funded private jets. The Department of Transportation has been hit with a lawsuit from Americans for Public Trust (APT), an advocacy group that has repeatedly requested records documenting the frequency and cost of the Secretary’s private jet travel. However, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has allegedly been dragging its feet in producing these records.

Buttigieg’s air travels have been under scrutiny from the start, and rightly so – the excessive use of private jets undoubtedly comes at a hefty price to taxpayers. An internal watchdog investigation into the issue was launched earlier this year, revealing that the Secretary has flown private dozens of times since assuming office in January.

While Buttigieg has claimed to keep meticulous records of his travel expenses, it appears that the FAA’s delay in producing necessary records begs to differ. Americans have the right to know how their tax dollars are being spent, and the Biden administration’s lack of transparency on this issue is alarming.

It’s worth noting that Buttigieg’s jet-setting ways are not in line with the purported environmental agenda of the Biden administration. The Secretary himself has been an outspoken advocate for tackling climate change, which makes his use of private jets all the more hypocritical – not to mention wasteful.

It remains to be seen how the lawsuit filed by APT will proceed, but one thing is clear – it’s high time for the Biden administration to come clean about the extent and expense of Buttigieg’s private jet travel. The American people deserve transparency and accountability, especially when it comes to their hard-earned tax dollars.

Written by Staff Reports

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