
Biden’s Job Boost Magic Act: Zero New Manufacturing Jobs

In March, the manufacturing sector in the United States experienced a big fat zero in job creation. Despite all the hyped-up promises and taxpayer-funded initiatives from the Biden administration to boost employment in this critical industry, not a single new manufacturing job popped up on the radar. It’s like a magician pulling a disappearing act on millions of American workers who were hoping for better opportunities.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics spilled the tea in its Employment Situation Summary, revealing that the number of manufacturing jobs held steady at 12,956,000 from February to March. This stagnation followed a previous drop of 10,000 jobs in January, painting a bleak picture despite all the flashy programs like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) thrown around like confetti at a parade.


The Biden administration, in its typical flair for grand gestures, has been patting itself on the back for these initiatives, claiming that the IRA alone could supposedly create over a million jobs in the energy and manufacturing sectors over the next decade. But let’s face it, folks, the only thing being inflated here is the government’s ego as it dishes out billions in subsidies and incentives, courtesy of hardworking American taxpayers.

Prominent industries within manufacturing took some hard hits, with machinery manufacturing losing 2,500 jobs and primary metal manufacturing shedding 1,000 jobs. Despite all the fanfare around the CHIPS and Science Act championed by the Biden team to revitalize semiconductor production in the U.S., the industry still saw a decline of 700 jobs in March. It’s like throwing a lifeline made of spaghetti to a sinking ship – it looks good on paper but does little to plug the leaks in the real world.

While computer and electronic manufacturing lost 1,700 jobs and electrical appliance manufacturing said goodbye to 2,100 jobs, sectors like transportation equipment saw a spike of 11,400 new jobs. It’s a mixed bag of gains and losses, but when the dust settles, American workers are left wondering where all the promised prosperity went.

President Biden may fancy himself as the most pro-union leader in American history, but his administration’s track record on job creation in the manufacturing sector tells a different story. Perhaps it’s time for the White House to trade in its rhetoric for real results that actually benefit hardworking Americans instead of empty promises. The clock is ticking, and American workers deserve better than a magic show with disappearing jobs and taxpayer dollars vanishing into thin air.

Written by Staff Reports

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