
Biden’s Job Flop: 187K Jobs Added, Misses Mark and Fails America!

The recent jobs report was released, and surprise, surprise, it’s not as rosy as the Biden administration would like you to believe. According to the report, a measly 187,000 jobs were added in July. Now, I don’t know about you, but that number falls far short of expectations. The experts were predicting 200,000 jobs, and yet, once again, Biden fails to deliver.

But it gets worse. The unemployment rate, which was already at a low of 3.6 percent in June, barely budged at 3.5 percent in July. I mean, come on, Biden, can’t you do any better? It’s clear that his economic plan, or should I say, lack thereof, is not working. Bidenomics and Bidenflation are taking a toll on the labor market, and it’s hard-working Americans who are paying the price.

And let’s not forget that the numbers for May and June were revised, showing that there were actually 49,000 fewer jobs than initially reported. That’s right, Biden can’t even get the numbers right. It’s just another example of his failed leadership.

But don’t worry, Biden is celebrating these lackluster numbers as if he just won the lottery. He’s touting the fact that he’s added 13.4 million jobs since taking office. Well, guess what, Biden? Those jobs were not created under your administration. They are simply people returning to work after the pandemic. It’s a classic case of taking credit where credit is not due.

And let’s not forget about the millions of Americans who are still suffering. There are 5.8 million people who are unemployed, and that’s not even counting those who are only working part-time but want full-time jobs. The labor market is still far from recovered, despite Biden’s empty promises.

So, while Biden is off on vacation, dodging any responsibility for his economic failures, the American people are left to pick up the pieces. It’s time for commonsense leadership, not empty rhetoric and failed policies. Americans deserve better, and in 2024, they’ll have the chance to vote Biden out and bring in real economic growth.

Written by Staff Reports

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