
Biden’s Job Gains Mostly Government-Funded as Unemployment Rises to 4.1 Percent

Great news for anyone craving more government and less private sector prosperity: Employers added 206,000 jobs in June. Sure, it’s a bit higher than the 200,000 nonfarm jobs that the analysts predicted, but let’s not get carried away here. May’s numbers were already slashed from 272,000 to a dismal 218,000, proving once again that the Biden administration can’t even manage a monthly jobs report without needing a do-over.

And as if that’s not enough, unemployment crawled its way up to 4.1 percent for the first time since November 2021. Why should Americans be optimistic about their economic future when they can revel in an unemployment rate heading in the wrong direction under Biden’s leadership?

Taking the gold medal for the most job “creation,” drumroll, please, is the government with significant healthcare and education assistance. In other words, nearly three-quarters of the added jobs rooted themselves in sectors that live and breathe by the taxpayer dime. So much for the thriving private sector. It seems like the only job growth happening is where Big Government has its sticky fingers.

Just imagine a nation where most new employment is driven by positions as “productive” as yet another bureaucratic paper-pusher or semi-effective healthcare administrator. The private sector, supposedly the true engine of the economy, apparently didn’t get the memo this month.

One savvy organization noted the labor market slump, attributing this dismal situation to the Democrat policies that love nothing more than over-regulating and overspending their way to a stagnant economy.

Voters are urged to elect conservative candidates who aim to extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, actually fostering a real job market where living standards can rise with robust economic activity, not government payouts and closures. Real job creators know who stands in their corner, and it’s certainly not the Democrats.

So, while the Biden administration celebrates what it claims are job gains, the reality starkly contrasts. The economy remains mired in bureaucratic growth and higher unemployment rates. This is the prize after almost two years of left-wing economic “genius.” Time for a regime change, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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