
Biden’s Nuclear Gaffe Explodes Online: Fitness to Lead Questioned

President Biden’s visit to a windmill factory turned cringe-worthy when he attempted to make light of nuclear bombs. The 81-year-old president, known for his gaffes, awkwardly blurted out, “My Marine carries that and has the code to blow up the world,” drawing sharp criticism online.

The tasteless jest about nuclear weapons left many scratching their heads and questioning his mental acuity. Conservative voices were quick to express their concerns, with Rogan O’Handley of the DC Draino newsletter calling for Biden’s removal from control of the nuclear codes. Meanwhile, Benny Johnson sardonically remarked that Biden’s comments were just “Totally normal Joe Biden quotes.”

The exchange has sparked disbelief and raised questions about Biden’s fitness to lead. Many critics were quick to highlight the double standard in media portrayal, speculating on the outrage that would have ensued had former President Donald Trump made similar remarks.

The presence of the nuclear football, which contains codes for authorizing a nuclear strike, is a highly sensitive and traditionally discreet matter. It is unprecedented, and frankly alarming, for a president to publicly acknowledge its presence, especially in the company of civilians who lack security clearance.

Written by Staff Reports

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