
Biden’s Own Ally Confesses: Border Crisis Threatens Democrat Reign in 2024!

In what seems to be a rare spark of honesty from the left, one of President Biden’s own campaign co-chairs has expressed her deep concerns about the Democrats’ re-election prospects in 2024. Representative Veronica Escobar, a Texas Democrat, has dared to speak out about the chaos engulfing the southern border under the Biden administration. She’s worried that the growing frustration over the border crisis may spell trouble for the Democrats at the polls. Escobar told Politico that people are fed up and want to see some order restored, a sentiment that is hard to argue with.

The numbers don’t lie, folks. More than 2.47 million encounters along the Mexico frontier during fiscal year 2023 alone, and over 240,000 migrants apprehended just in October. These staggering figures are the result of the Biden administration’s weak and ineffective border policies. Even Escobar herself can’t deny that liberal states and cities are buckling under the strain caused by the wave of migrants pouring in. It’s a sight to behold when even Democrats in places like New York and Illinois are sounding the alarm and actually starting to sound more like Republicans!

But hold your horses, because here comes the blame game. Escobar, representing a district right next to the border, has the gall to point fingers at Congress and essentially admit that they’ve dropped the ball time and time again on this issue. Of course, she also conveniently takes a jab at her Republican colleagues, claiming they’ve refused to collaborate with the Democrats. Classic deflection, anyone?

And let’s not forget about the nail in the coffin for the Biden administration – the polls. It’s no secret that Biden’s handling of the border crisis has earned him abysmally low approval ratings, with only 38% of voters giving him the thumbs-up on the issue. Even Monmouth University’s survey recorded a dismal 26% approval of the president on immigration. Yikes!

The fact that the southern border has become a political liability for the Democrats is a bitter pill to swallow, especially for the Biden re-election campaign. With Republicans pointing fingers at the White House for scrapping effective policies like “Remain in Mexico,” it’s no wonder that even one of Biden’s own co-chairs is having sleepless nights over their prospects in 2024.

So, here’s a tip for Escobar and her Democratic pals: maybe tackle the border crisis with some real solutions instead of pointing fingers and placing blame. But who are we kidding? It’s far easier to play the blame game and hope for a miracle than to take actual responsibility!

Written by Staff Reports

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