
Biden’s Own Biographer Questions Reelection: Age or Fate to Blame?

President Joe Biden’s hopes for reelection are being called into question by none other than his own biographer, Franklin Foer. In a recent appearance on “Meet the Press,” Foer suggested that it “wouldn’t be a total shock” if Biden were to drop out of the race. Now, I know what you’re thinking – how could someone who wrote a whole book about Biden be doubting his ability to continue on as President? Well, it turns out that Foer believes Biden’s constant references to fate in his speeches might be hinting at an uncertain future.

According to Foer, Biden’s use of the word fate is loaded with religious meaning, and it raises questions about his own confidence in his ability to win another term. As a devoutly religious man, Biden may be leaving the door open for fate to intervene and redirect his path. It’s an interesting theory, to say the least. But what really caught my attention was Foer’s comment about age. He bluntly stated that Biden is old, and he has no way of predicting how the next few years will impact him.

Now, we all know that age has been a concern for Biden since he first stepped into the political arena. Even a recent poll conducted by the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that a whopping 77% of Americans believe Biden is too old for another term in office. And get this – it’s not just Republicans voicing these concerns. Even Democrats, yes, you heard that right, Democrats, are doubting Biden’s ability to effectively serve as President for another four years. It seems like the American people have their reservations about Biden’s age and fitness for office.

But here’s the kicker – when the same question was posed about former President Donald Trump, the results were completely different. Only 51% of voters thought Trump was too old for another White House term. It just goes to show the double standard that exists when it comes to evaluating the fitness of Republican versus Democratic leaders. Democrats are quick to jump on the age bandwagon when it comes to their opponents but conveniently turn a blind eye to their own aging leaders.

So, should we be worried about Biden’s chances for reelection? Maybe. This latest doubt from his biographer certainly doesn’t bode well for his campaign. And when you add in the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe he’s too old for another term, it’s clear that there are serious reservations about his ability to lead. As a conservative Republican, I can’t say I’m surprised. Biden’s policies have been disastrous for our economy, national security, and personal freedoms. Maybe it’s time for him to step aside and let someone with fresh ideas and a clear vision take the reins. Only time will tell if fate will be on his side.

Written by Staff Reports

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