
Biden’s Parole System Fails to Track Over a Million Migrants

President Joe Biden’s parole system has proven to be a massive magnet for migrants pouring into the U.S., with over a million individuals taking advantage of the expanded parole pathways since January 2023. However, a glaring flaw in the system has come to light: the Biden administration cannot track these parolees once they enter the country.

The numbers speak for themselves – around 460,000 migrants arrived in the U.S. via commercial flights after being granted parole, while 630,000 sought parolee status at ports of entry through the CBP One mobile app. The lack of a comprehensive tracking system has raised concerns about whether the administration can effectively monitor the influx of parolees.

A recent report by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) revealed that despite the Biden administration granting parole to tens of thousands of Afghans, there is no mechanism in place to track these migrants once they reach American soil. This lack of oversight raises serious questions about the administration’s ability to manage the parole system responsibly.

The rollout of the CHNV Parole Process for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans, as well as the CBP One mobile app, aimed to streamline the parole process and provide a safer alternative to crossing the border unlawfully. However, the sheer number of migrants utilizing these programs highlights the urgent need for an effective tracking mechanism to ensure accountability and national security.

In light of the escalating migrant crisis at the southern border, with over 6 million encounters since Biden took office, the administration’s failure to track parolees effectively is a cause for concern. The reported 1.2 million “gotaways” and the apprehension of over 40,000 illegal migrants with criminal records emphasize the need for a robust and accountable parole system.

As the Biden administration grapples with the consequences of its parole initiatives, the lack of a reliable tracking system poses a significant challenge to national security and public safety. The administration’s inability to monitor the parole status of migrants underscores the urgent need for comprehensive immigration reform and enhanced border security measures.

Written by Staff Reports

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