
Biden’s Pentagon Plays Hide & Seek with Austin’s Health!

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that President Biden’s Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, was mysteriously hospitalized for several days without the knowledge of most Pentagon staff and elected officials. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy did not hold back when he questioned White House spokesman John Kirby about the secrecy surrounding Austin’s health scare. And can you blame him? It’s like a secret mission was going on right under their noses!

Doocy did not hesitate to ask why the American people should trust anything the administration says about Biden’s health when they’ve been so hush-hush about Austin’s hospital stay. I mean, it’s a fair question, right? The spokesman’s response was about as clear as mud, with the usual political tap dance around the issue. Kirby basically said, “Yeah, we messed up, but hey, look over there! Austin’s doing a great job as defense secretary, right?” Classic deflection technique.

In typical reporter fashion, Doocy didn’t let up. He pushed Kirby on whether the administration might go to the same lengths to hide any potential health problems with President Biden. It’s a valid concern, considering the cloak-and-dagger routine they pulled with Austin. But Kirby was quick to dismiss the idea, claiming that it would be illogical to think the White House purposely hid Austin’s condition. Seriously, it’s like they’re playing a game of “hide and seek” with the truth!

The whole situation is just a hot mess. Not only was Austin deceptively sneaking off to the hospital, but most folks at the Pentagon thought he was just taking a leisurely vacation. Talk about a major miscommunication! It wasn’t until Friday at 5 p.m. that the bombshell dropped, leaving everyone scratching their heads in disbelief. It’s like a real-life soap opera unfolding right before our eyes. Who needs Netflix when you’ve got the drama of Washington, D.C.?

So, what’s the real story here? Was it a case of “oops, we forgot to mention our defense secretary is in the hospital”? Or is there something more sinister at play, with the powers-that-be pulling the strings behind closed doors? One thing’s for sure, this administration has a lot of explaining to do. And for the American people, it all boils down to one simple question: can we really trust anything they say?

Written by Staff Reports

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