Listen up, folks! There’s been quite a stir on the internet about President Joe Biden allegedly plagiarizing a speech from none other than Hillary Clinton. But hold on to your MAGA hats, because it turns out this claim is about as accurate as CNN’s fact-checking.
According to a video shared on Instagram (which we all know is the prime source for hard-hitting journalism), Biden and Clinton’s speeches in Historically Black Churches seem suspiciously similar. The video, complete with a text overlay that screams “They sound very sincere and natural!”, shows side-by-side clips of the two politicians spouting what appears to be the same rhetoric.
FACT CHECK: No, Joe Biden Did Not Plagiarize A Speech From Hillary Clinton via @DailyCaller
— Chris 🇺🇸 (@Chris_1791) January 15, 2024
But don’t grab your pitchforks just yet! It seems that the internet detectives missed a crucial detail. Both Biden and Clinton were actually quoting lyrics from the song “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” by Rev. James Cleveland. It’s like a game of political karaoke, folks!
Now, let’s give credit where credit is due. Hillary Clinton dropped those famous lyrics back in 2007 while talking about the need to protect voting rights. And just recently, Biden belted them out during a political event in Charleston, South Carolina. They both took a dive into the gospel songbook and came up with the same tune. Can you say deja vu?
But you know how the internet is. People get all riled up over the slightest resemblance and start accusing folks of crimes worse than leaving pineapple on pizza. The claim made its rounds on TikTok and Twitter (or should I say X? Apparently, the cool kids changed its name), causing a tempest in a teapot.
But let’s not forget the bigger picture here, folks. We have a close race between Biden and the one and only Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. A Quinnipiac University poll shows Biden with a slight lead, but we all know how reliable polls can be *cough, cough*. So instead of wasting precious time dissecting who said what and when, let’s focus on the real issues at hand.
The fact that this even made it to the fact-checking stage is a perfect example of how desperate some folks are to discredit our dear ol’ President Biden. It’s like they’re trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, or in this case, a scandal out of a song lyric. Give the man a break! He’s got enough on his plate, like fixing the border crisis and figuring out what to do with Hunter’s laptop.
So next time you’re tempted to throw around accusations of plagiarism, folks, maybe take a moment to listen to some good old gospel music. You might find some inspiration and realize that sometimes, great minds just think alike. Keep on preaching, Biden!