
Biden’s Plan Busted: Leaked Photos Reveal ID Cards for Illegals!

In an unsurprising turn of events, leaked images have revealed that the Biden administration is planning to issue photo ID cards to illegal aliens that are allowed into the U.S. and then released across the country. These ID cards, part of the ICE Secure Docket Card program, resemble driver’s licenses or state ID cards. Isn’t it ironic that the same administration that opposes photo ID requirements for voting believes that illegal aliens should have proper identification? The hypocrisy is astounding.

These ID cards will contain a photo, a QR code, identifying information, security details, and the ICE logo. The goal is to modernize the documentation provided to noncitizens who are provisionally released and ensure consistency and verification. However, conservatives are rightly concerned about this program. It seems like the Biden administration is more interested in welcoming illegal aliens into the country than in enforcing immigration laws.

RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), strongly criticized the program, stating that ICE should focus on arresting, detaining, and removing those who enter the country illegally, rather than providing them with social services. It’s clear that Congress needs to wake up and put an end to these open-border policies that go against the mission of federal law enforcement agencies like ICE.

Furthermore, the idea that these ID cards will be used to schedule reporting meetings with ICE is laughable. Those who intend to follow the law may comply, but what about those who have no intention of doing so? It’s naive to think that this program will effectively address the issue of illegal immigration.

Despite the criticism, ICE defends the program, claiming that moving to a secure card will save money, free up resources, and streamline access to important immigration documents. But this is just another attempt by the Biden administration to import as many illegal aliens into the country as possible, with the assumption that they will become future Democrat voters. It’s a blatant disregard for the concerns of American citizens. When will Congress wake up to this reality? Hopefully, when Republicans regain control and prioritize enforcing our immigration laws.

Written by Staff Reports

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