
Biden’s Regs Threaten 1M Jobs – Manufacturing Meltdown Imminent!

In a bold and fiery speech, Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, is sounding the alarm on the Biden administration’s looming attack on American manufacturing. According to Timmons, the current White House occupant is all talk and no action when it comes to supporting our hardworking manufacturers. In fact, Timmons estimates that a staggering one million manufacturing jobs are at risk due to a proposed rule called the National Ambient Air Quality Standards or PM2.5.

Timmons is not mincing words — he’s calling out the Biden administration’s sneaky tactics, pointing out that while they claim to champion American industry, behind closed doors, they’re actively working to undermine it. This regulation, if implemented, would be stricter than rules in Europe, signaling a major blow to American manufacturing prowess.

But the damage doesn’t stop there. Timmons explains that this rule would make it nearly impossible to build new manufacturing facilities in large parts of the country. And who bears the brunt of this disastrous policy? The hardworking families trying to sell their homes, the dedicated teachers hoping for investments in schools, and the ambitious students seeking job opportunities. All of them are left to suffer the consequences of the Biden administration’s ill-conceived regulatory overreach.

The impact doesn’t stop at manufacturing jobs either. Michigan, among other states, would be hit especially hard. If new manufacturing investments dry up, the entire state’s economy will feel the pain. It’s a domino effect that will reverberate through countless communities, causing harm and uncertainty at every turn.

Fighting back against this assault on American industry, Republican Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania is rallying to protect the 1,300 jobs at the Butler Works plant. The stakes are high, and the resistance is fierce as patriots across the nation stand up against the Biden administration’s misguided policies.

The dire situation is not lost on Fay Beydoun, CEO of Michigan-based Global Link International. She emphasizes the contradiction between President Biden’s rhetoric about supporting manufacturing and the reality of his agencies enacting harmful regulations. It’s time to call out the hypocrisy and demand real action that supports American jobs and innovation.

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Written by Staff Reports

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