
Biden’s Reign: 9 Shocking Democrat Scandals You Won’t Believe


Nine Scandals Expose Democrat Degeneracy Under Biden Administration

Since Joe Biden’s election to the White House, Democrat pundits have been quick to declare the return of “adults in charge” in Washington. However, the reality is quite different. The Biden administration has been marred by a series of scandals that shed light on the degeneracy and perversion within the Democratic Party.

The first scandal on the list involves a Democrat staffer for Senator Ben Cardin engaging in explicit sexual activity in a United States Senate hearing room. This individual was caught on video engaging in anal sex, a brazen act that took place in a government-funded building. It is alarming to see such behavior from those who are supposed to represent the American people.


Next on the list is the case of Virginia Senate candidate Susanna Gibson, a Democrat who performed sexual acts with her husband for an online audience on a website called Chaturbate. It is shocking that someone running for public office would engage in such explicit behavior and then expect to be taken seriously by voters.

Another scandal involves the discovery of a baggy of cocaine inside the White House West Wing. This incident raises serious questions about the security measures in place and the potential for illegal activities to occur within the highest levels of government. It is deeply concerning that drugs were found in such a sensitive area.

A trans influencer by the name of Rose Montoya made headlines when he exposed his fake breasts at a White House event, which also had children in attendance. This act of indecency is completely inappropriate and reflects poorly on the Biden administration’s ability to maintain decorum and respectability.

The Navy’s recruitment of a drag queen influencer named Joshua Kelley, who goes by the name “Harpy Daniels,” is yet another scandal that highlights the Democratic Party’s descent into moral relativism. This decision diminishes the credibility and integrity of our armed forces, and it is a slap in the face to the brave men and women who serve our country.

In March, a former Democrat mayor of College Park, Maryland was arrested on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. This deeply disturbing case highlights the need for thorough background checks and vetting procedures, especially when individuals hold positions of power and influence.

A Biden official at the Department of Energy, who was also involved in BDSM practices, was caught stealing luggage at a Las Vegas airport. This incident raises questions about the judgment and character of those in the Biden administration, as well as their commitment to upholding the law and maintaining ethical behavior.

The exposure of an Army colonel’s involvement in pup-play, which involved taking photos in a dog mask while in uniform, is yet another scandal that tarnishes the reputation of our military. This behavior is unacceptable and disrespectful to the sacrifices made by our troops.

Last but not least, we must not forget the numerous allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. These allegations, which include groping and creating a hostile work environment, reveal the dark underbelly of the Democratic Party and its willingness to protect individuals who abuse their power.

These scandals, both under the Biden administration and predating it, paint a distressing picture of the Democratic Party. The party that claims to champion morality and progressiveness is riddled with hypocrisy and moral decay. It is a stark reminder of the importance of holding our elected officials accountable and demanding better from our leaders. The American people deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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