
Biden’s Reign Sees Staggering 2M Daily Shrink in US Oil Output!

U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) recently shared some alarming news about President Biden’s energy policies. According to Rosendale, U.S. oil production has dropped by a whopping two million barrels per day since Biden took office. That’s a whole lot of oil!

Rosendale explained that the Biden administration has made some questionable decisions that have had serious consequences. For instance, they eliminated about 2 million barrels of domestic oil production per day. That’s like taking away half of a giant chocolate cake – it’s just not right!

One major blow to the oil industry was the closure of the Keystone XL pipeline, which Biden axed on his very first day in office. This decision alone prevented the transmission of approximately 850,000 barrels per day, with 150,000 of those barrels coming from Rosendale’s home state of Montana. Talk about a missed opportunity!

Not only that, but Biden has also put a halt on leasing public lands for oil and gas development. This means that individuals who were hoping to benefit from these leases are out of luck. It’s like telling a kid they can’t have any ice cream – it’s just plain mean!

Rosendale also pointed out that the Biden administration is blocking pipelines and processing facilities for liquid natural gas. This not only hampers our domestic production, but also prevents us from efficiently delivering these products around the country and to our allies overseas. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot – it’s just not smart!

All of these misguided energy policies have led to an increased reliance on foreign governments, some of which aren’t exactly our biggest fans. It’s quite the contrast from the Trump administration, which prioritized American energy independence. Now, not only are we more dependent on our adversaries, but our allies in Europe are too. It’s like buying a broken umbrella when it’s pouring outside – it just doesn’t make sense!

And to make matters worse, Biden is even buying oil from Venezuela. Yes, you read that right – Venezuela! It’s like buying a used car from a shady dealer, you never know what you’re gonna get!

Overall, these energy policies are costing us dearly. They’re hurting American jobs, stifling economic growth, and making us more dependent on unstable and sometimes hostile foreign governments. It’s time for Biden to rethink his approach and put America first. Let’s bring back the energy independence we enjoyed under the Trump administration, and let’s leave the chocolate cake intact!

Written by Staff Reports

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