
Biden’s Risky Games: Ditches Israel and Shields Hezbollah in Stunning Power Play


Once again, President Biden is meddling in foreign affairs, this time persuading Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to call off a much-needed strike against the terrorist organization Hezbollah. The 11th-hour interference from Biden came just days after Hezbollah’s ally, Hamas, massacred over 1,200 innocent people in Israel. Despite Israel’s valid concerns and intelligence indicating an impending attack from Hezbollah, Biden somehow managed to talk Netanyahu out of taking action, citing American intelligence that found no evidence of an imminent Hezbollah invasion.

It’s no surprise that Israel, feeling besieged and under constant threat, had warplanes ready to strike Hezbollah along the Lebanon border on October 11. But leave it to Biden to step in and convince Netanyahu and his war cabinet to hold off from protecting their own citizens. What a power move from the self-proclaimed foreign policy expert, overriding the decisions of a duly elected leader and putting Israeli lives in jeopardy.

Biden had the audacity to warn Israel about the consequences of a preemptive strike, all while their very existence was being threatened by terror groups. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, seeing the imminent danger, pushed for the attack, believing that a broader war was inevitable. But apparently, Biden knows better than Israeli officials about what’s best for their country.

Despite the tense situation and emergency sirens blaring in Israel, it took about six hours of Biden’s interference for Netanyahu and his cabinet to finally agree to call off the strike. The nerve of Biden to inject himself into the decision-making process of a sovereign nation is truly astounding. Yet, in typical politician fashion, he denies any undue influence, even as he continues to micromanage the situation in the Middle East.

Netanyahu, rightfully defending his country’s sovereignty, has denied the claims that Biden talked him out of attacking Hezbollah. However, it’s crystal clear that Biden’s intervention led to the delay of essential action to protect Israel from imminent threats. The White House has conveniently avoided commenting on this blatant overreach, further demonstrating Biden’s evasion of responsibility for his meddling in international affairs.

Amidst ongoing conflicts and tensions with Hezbollah, Israel continues to be under attack, while Biden touts his calls for peace from the safety of the White House. It’s one thing to call for peace, but it’s quite another to hinder a country’s ability to defend itself when facing real and immediate danger. Netanyahu has maintained Israel’s commitment to achieving victory against Hamas and establishing deterrence against Hezbollah, but it’s clear that Biden’s interference has muddied the waters of their strategy.

The US has been working to prevent a war between Israel and its neighbors, but Biden’s intervention has created even more chaos and uncertainty, as the IDF and Hezbollah exchange rocket fire almost daily. With Hezbollah’s threats of continued strikes against Israel, it’s evident that Biden’s actions have only emboldened these terrorist groups, putting innocent lives at risk.

In the midst of this critical situation, President Biden needs to recognize that his interventionist approach is not welcome or helpful. Instead of undermining allies and jeopardizing their security, he should focus on supporting their efforts to defend themselves against real and immediate threats. It’s time for Biden to step back and let Israel make its own decisions without his unwarranted interference.

Written by Staff Reports

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