
Biden’s Secret Iran Deals Exposed: Congress Demands Answers!

The House Oversight Committee has come out swinging against the Biden administration’s secret dealings with Iran. They are demanding answers and transparency regarding the administration’s policy towards Iran, especially in light of the recent savage attack on Israel by Iranian-supported Hamas terrorists. Chairman James Comer and Subcommittee Chairman Glenn Grothman are not mincing words, expressing their alarm over the administration’s attempts to conceal details about the ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran.

These Republican lawmakers are rightfully concerned about the lack of transparency displayed by the Biden administration. To make matters worse, there have been reports of Iran’s direct involvement in the recent attack on Israel, and it has been revealed that former Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, and members of his negotiating team may have had compromising ties to the Iranian regime. It’s a troubling situation, to say the least.

The lawmakers are also pointing out that the United States has made concessions to Iran, potentially violating the Iranian Nuclear Review Act. And let’s not forget about Mr. Malley’s shady track record. This guy has a history of appeasing our adversaries, even meeting with terrorist group Hamas. It’s no wonder he’s under investigation for mishandling classified material. The seriousness of the allegations against him is so great that he was suspended from his position without pay. It’s shocking that this whole investigation was hidden from Congress and the American people.

But wait, there’s more. Another member of Mr. Malley’s negotiating team, Ariane Tabatabai, was apparently in close contact with the Iranian regime for years. She was part of a regime-backed initiative aimed at influencing global opinion on Iran’s nuclear program. Despite all this, she now holds a high-level position in the Department of Defense, with a security clearance no less. It’s mind-boggling.

To truly understand the extent of the Biden administration’s actions, the Oversight Committee has requested a briefing from the State Department, as well as documents and information to assist in their investigation. They want answers, and rightfully so. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their government.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is playing a dangerous game with Iran. Their secret negotiations and potentially compromised individuals raise serious concerns. It’s time for Congress to step in and hold them accountable. We cannot afford to ignore the threat posed by Iran to our ally, Israel, and to global security. The safety and well-being of the American people should always be the top priority, and it’s time for the Biden administration to start acting like it.

Written by Staff Reports

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