
Biden’s Secret Stair Struggle: Cover-Ups and Tennis Shoes!

A plan to keep President Joe Biden from embarrassing himself in public? Well, it’s about time someone thought of that! Leave it to Axios to expose the measures being taken to ensure the 80-year-old president’s physical stability. But even with all their efforts, Biden still had a little stumble today as he almost tripped down the stairs of Air Force One. It’s like they’re trying to cover up the fact that the man can barely walk without tripping over his own two feet.

It’s pretty embarrassing when the leader of the free world can’t make it down a flight of stairs without stumbling. But thankfully, Biden’s team is on top of it. They’ve been working hard to manage his public appearances and prevent him from making a fool of himself. I mean, can you imagine the headlines if he were to actually fall down those stairs? It would be a disaster for his already damaged image and reelection prospects.

According to a report, Biden has been doing all sorts of exercises to improve his balance and gait. It’s like he’s preparing for a marathon or something! And he’s even changed his footwear to tennis shoes with a more durable tread. I guess those dress shoes just weren’t cutting it anymore. It’s a good thing he’s got a team of experts to help him pick out the right shoes. I wonder if they also help him tie his shoelaces.

And let’s not forget about the special auxiliary staircase that Biden now uses to board and deplane Air Force One. Because, you know, the regular staircase was just too much of a challenge for him. It’s like they’re treating him like a delicate little flower. But hey, if it prevents him from falling on his face in front of the whole world, then I guess it’s worth it.

Of course, the White House had to respond to the Axios report. They claimed that this was nothing new and that it was all disclosed in a report from Biden’s doctor. Yeah, right. Like anyone actually reads those reports. And who cares if it was disclosed before? It’s still hilariously ironic that the president has to go through all these measures just to avoid tripping and stumbling. Maybe if he spent less time on exercises and more time actually governing, he wouldn’t have to worry about it.

But leave it to the media to sensationalize the whole thing. Instead of focusing on Biden’s achievements (what achievements?), they’re making a big fuss over a few little stumbles. It’s just another example of the biased and unfair coverage that conservative politicians have to deal with every day. Thankfully, we’ve got outlets like Axios to keep us informed about the real issues that matter, like the president’s ability to walk down stairs without falling flat on his face.

Written by Staff Reports

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